L.A. (Lóránt) Tavasszy előadása
Day |
Time |
Room |
Activity |
Szeptember 25. (kedd) |
10.20 – 11.50 |
ÚT 230 |
Tanóra 2*45 percben The importance of logistics for freight transportation modeling. |
15.00 – 17.00 |
ÚT 114 |
KözleKlub Előadás (60 perc): The transportation engineer’s role in logistics living labs. |
Szeptember 26. (szerda) Akadémiai Nap
14.00 – 16.00 |
IS 101 |
Közlekedésmodellezési szimpózium Moderátor: Dr. Koren Csaba |
14.00 – 14.45 |
Dr. Tavasszy Lóránt: Recent advances in freight transportation modeling |
14.45 – 15.15 |
Dr. Berki Zsolt: Árufuvarozási modellezés hazai gyakorlata (Freight transportation modeling in Hungary) |
15.15 – |
Kérdések, vita (meghívott résztvevőkkel) |
The importance of logistics for freight transportation modeling.
In this lecture I will introduce how knowledge of logistics processes allows (1) a re-interpretation of the classical 4 step transportation model for freight transport; (2) resulting from this, an understanding of its main limitations and (3) development of the necessary extensions to arrive at comprehensive models of freight transportation systems.
The transportation engineer’s role in logistics living labs
In this introduction I argue that transportation modelling plays a crucial role for the freight transportation and logistics sectors, beyond their classical function for infrastructure design and policy analysis. Nowadays, these models have become a critical part of complex, multi-stakeholder living labs, in which private strategies and public policies are considered together to achieve system-wide innovations. I discuss why and how.
Recent advances in freight transportation modelling
Building on the previous two talks (although this talk can stand on its own) I provide a summary of new requirements for freight transportation modelling, given the changing context of applications of models. Next, I give an overview of recent developments around the world in building the next-generation freight transportation models. I conclude with some challenges and recommendations for researchers and practitioners. L.A. (Lóránt) Tavasszy Lóránt Tavasszy is Full Professor in Freight Transportation and Logistics Systems at the Delft University of Technology. He graduated as Transportation Engineer and completed his PhD research at TU Delft. Until 2016 he was with the Dutch national research institute TNO, with part time chairs at Radboud University Nijmegen (2004-2009) and TU Delft (2009-2016). He has extensive experience as principal investigator in transport research projects and has published over 200 papers in journals, books and conference proceedings. Prof. Tavasszy also supports the global transport research community through committee memberships for the US Transportation Research Board, as chair of the Scientific Committee of the World Conference for Transport Research Society and as vice chair on Sustainable Transport for the EU Logistics Platform ALICE.