China as a New Global Superpower
The Győr Office of the Antall József Knowledge Centre is organising a roundtable discussion titled ‘China as a new global superpower’, to be held on 27 March 2018 at Széchenyi István University. The aim of the event is to analyse the current and future role of China as a new global superpower.
China’s increasing role has caused a shift in international affairs. What is the background of its emergence? Will the country take over the leading role of the United States in world politics? What politico-economic components will dominate its relationship with Russia, and which country can gain greater influence in Asia and Africa? Who will be China’s most significant partners in Europe: the EU as a single actor or its most important member states?
He Zhiago, Assistant Professor, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Viktor Eszterhai, Senior Analyst, Pallas Athene Geopolitical Institute
Tamás Péter Baranyi, Head of Research, Antall József Knowledge Centre
DATE: 27 March 2018 (Tuesday), 17:15pm
VENUE: Széchenyi István University, Room ÚT 114 (1 Egyetem Square, 9026 Győr)
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