Call for two External Experts To join the UASiMAP project

Job opportunity: UASiMAP project is looking for two external experts

EURASHE project ‘Mapping Regional Engagement Activities of European Universities of Applied Sciences’ (hereafter-UASiMAP) is searching for external experts who could participate in the analysis and development work of the project and add to the consortium expertise with their European knowledge throughout the Project work packages (WP) 1, 2 and 4.

UASiMAP project aims to develop a self-reflection tool which will measure UAS local engagement and development of their further strategies. The project will also promote and communicate higher education institutions’ contribution to society and regional community, based on the experience and insights of key stakeholders from across the whole European Union. The project will also collect a several good practices of successful UAS engagement on the local level.

In order to bring different perspectives and expertise in the expert team, we are looking for two experts from:

  • Professional Higher Education Institutions and their third mission (EHEA/ERA);
  • Regional development policy, including smart specialization (OECD, EC/JRC policies).

Experts will be selected through an open call for applications. Selected experts will receive a gross honorarium for their work, as well as coverage of travel and subsistence costs to the Expert meetings according to the project plan.

Experts interested in applying should send a CV together with a cover letter, indicating their experience in line with this call by the 1st of March 2020 to

More information and conditions here.