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System Theory Research Group

Faculty of Engineering Sciences

In 2010 - beyond the support of the system theory research and applications - the aim of the research group, established in the Faculty of Engineering Studies of Széchenyi István University with special rectorial support, is to perform independent theoretical researches (mathematical, technical, econometrical, etc.) on the different areas of system theory and control science. Within this framework, the research group deals especially with sophisticated theoretical and application questions of control processes of complicated systems (multivariable, non-linear, stochastic and “possibilistic”). The research group also performs active work on the development of theoretical methods of intelligent engineering and computational systems, applied in the field of transport and infrastructural research. Furthermore it deals with the development and solution of system theory problems that are connected to physical measurements of modern telecommunications research.

Head of the research group: Prof. Dr. Péter Várlaki DSc., university professor

Secretary of the research group: Dr. Szilvia Nagy, university associate professor,
