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Baross Gábor College of Engineering
Batthyány Lajos College of Law
Kautz Gyula College of Economics

Baross Gábor College of Engineering

The college was ceremonially opened on 15th October 2002 at Széchenyi István University by our honoured guests, professor Gyula Szalay educational vice rector and professor Csaba Koren director of the College of Built Environment and Environmental Engineering. At this ceremony our honoured guests spoke about Baross Gabor, highlighting his initiative, life-work, prudence and well-roundedness. Since this time our college has strived to follow in his footsteps to find new enthusiastic students, which reflect his achievements.

Our aims

The aim of Baross Gábor College of Engineering is to ensure the opportunity that its students gain practical knowledge in the fields of built environment, structural construction environmental protection and settlements – with both national and international views.

As students of the college we all work towards establishing an outstanding organisation that has a high standard in work and education. The close connection of acquaintances and friends made at the college continues on well past graduation into professional life. This alumni group is built on tradition and encourages its students to give back to the organisation for the benefit of future generations.

The college encourages its students to supplement their education with additional research (TMDK, laboratorial work) on special topics, which they are interested in (e.g. art of architecture, world of settlements, theoretical and practical questions regarding the technical world, etc.). As its students are a part of life at the college it builds special community that supports the continuity of study and research.

The college also promotes to its students the benefit of participating in programs organised by the European Union, especially the study abroad for a term (Erasmus program) and doing vocational training abroad (Leonardo program).

Basis of our work

The enthusiastic and dedicated work of the students is not enough to maintain the college. The college also relies on the selfless support of experts and professors. We try to involve professors and experts who are active in professional life and business. Their real-life personal experience is invaluable in the lectures they give and courses they lead. The third pillar of the college is our sponsors and resources received through proposals.

A detailed outline of the college is written down in the Code of Organization and Procedure.

Professional and extra curricular activities

Our goal is the studious professional work and the continuous improvement of our standards via extra curricular activities. We focus on four special fields: architecture, structural erection, protection of the environment, and world of settlements. It is our belief that our future engineers have a deep enough knowledge in these fields to lead complex and substantial projects. Alongside this we would like to integrate the special fields of the culture engineer, which existed between the two World Wars. In our college students can improve their skills and gain experience, which will allow them to meet the demands of their future employers. We plan to establish a close connection with the colleges of economics and law in order to give our students a wider knowledge of the work and roles of other professions.

It is expected of our students to look beyond their studies to gain skills and knowledge in their special field. Students are required to prepare work every year for the Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TMDK).

The one-term courses form the framework of our vocational activities, where a small group of students with the help of experts learn about an interesting topic (e.g. organization of work, highway construction, railway development, processes connected to architecture and environmental protection, rural development, supports of infrastructural development in the European Union). After the theoretical or practical courses the students summarize the conclusions and experiences in oral or written reports.

In the computer room of the college ARCHLINE cad and Autodesk REVIT Building teaching are available.

International experience

The college supports and encourages its students to participate in the programs organized by the European Union. During the studies abroad (Erasmus program) and vocational trainings abroad (Leonardo program) the students can gain very precious vocational, scientific and cultural experience. They improve their technical language skills; they learn how to work alone and also in a team. They can find approaches, which they could not reach through traditional vocational training or only after many decades of working. They will be better prepared to successfully participate in the labour market in Europe.

Homepage of the Baross Gábor College of Engineering (HUN)
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Batthyány Lajos College of Law

The Law College in Győr was founded in 2002 and is located on Budai Street. It is a modern building where that is well equipped and ideal for training law students at a high level. Besides the high quality of professional activities, the institution would like to become a self-organized community centre.

Special courses are offered to these students, such as theoretical and interdisciplinary courses on public prosecution and judicial seminars. In addition, we offer other non-specialist courses as well. The so-called "dispute-lessons" provide good opportunities for stating individual opinions and for lively discussions. The students regularly write essays, which are published in different journals and they take part in student conferences.

In small groups the students work on projects solving social issues and in these projects civil organizations and other groups are also involved. We have managed to create a new awareness for social sensitivity and new ways for developing creativity. We organize symposiums twice a year, where the representatives of a given topic are invited to exchange ideas and experiences.

The international projects such as ‘The Central European Intensive Course’ were very popular not only among students from Hungary but for foreign students as well. The same interest was also given to ‘Batthyany Summer School’, which deals with issues concerning the European Union.

The special College of Legal Studies has two main goals: on the one hand it desires to educate students to become active public citizens by organizing various programmes and running public forums; on the other hand students are expected to do their best and achieve high standards.

Homepage of Batthyányi Lajos College of Law
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Kautz Gyula College of Economics

The first college of the Széchenyi István University was the college of economics. It was established in September of 1997 under the leadership of dr. Zoltán Ferenczi and it was called the Széchenyi Vocational College of Győr.

In the past nine years nearly one hundred students participated in this organization. Since the autumn of 2002 the college operates under the leadership of Péter Farkas. In 2003 the college was renamed, Kautz Gyula College of Economics after an economist and judge, who was born in Győr.

The college offers a high standard of vocational work, which provides knowledge to the best economics students, above the traditional university education. To be accepted by the college the students must pass an entrance exam, which consists of both an oral and written part.

The college has a relaxed and positive atmosphere. The students are accommodated in high quality dormitory rooms as an appreciation of their hard work and activities. The students have the opportunity to listen to lectures on topics that are not covered in the courses offered by the university. At these lectures the college students have the opportunity to personally meet reputed experts of both academic and business life.

The students’ conferences closely appertain to the activity of the college, which result in a successful students participation in research and development activity of our university.

Every spring we organize our annual conference where the students of colleges of economics from all over the country meet. Since 2004 the students of the doctoral school of Széchenyi István University have also had the opportunity to participate at this forum.

Since February of 2003 together with the Department of Finance and Accounting we have organized the National Financial Case Study Competition, where teams of four students representing economic higher education colleges meet and compete by solving a real problem of a company. At the competition students can gain practical knowledge and network with students in the business community.

Community life at the college is also enriched by extra-curricular activities such as the annual summer camp, excursions, and since the 2003/2004 academic year the alumni meeting

Homepage of Kautz Gyula College of Economics(HUN)
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